↑咁多位大人, 睇我個BLOG之餘, 幫我禁下廣告丫, 我好窮耶↑

星期二, 9月 27, 2005


屌那星啦, 今日唔駛返學, 都唔知係好定係唔好, 好─只係可以慳翻o的車錢, 唔好─嚮屋企, 唔係無野做, 而係無mood做, 可以o既話我真係想出街, 去人地度過夜, or just 嚮條街度等天光, 點解個天都係咁對我?? 想訓練我?? 都訓練o左咁多年啦, 而家可以有翻o的自由, 但係最後咪又係得個吉, 唉......

why don't I relax or tell your problems to your friends.......
well sometimes you have to face it yourself in the end....
friends mostly will give respond like Oh..take care...add oil...
I am not saying that they are not good...they aren't much help you can talk about your problems to people but what can they do..nothing ..you have to face your problems yourself that's why I have to be stronger ...STRONGER to face ...anything coming...be well-prepared.....everyone's got their own problems...yours aren't the most special..people as they grow up are more busy...they each have their own problems...
佢講得好o岩, 我好多時都係只係想搵個我信得過o既人講下, "申"下咁, 但係到而家我一個可以算係知心o既就一個都無, 朋友, 雖然唔叫做多, 但係應該都唔算少, 不過可以叫做知己o既就一個都無. 本來諗住入到ive, 已經唔係以前o既中學時代, 可以free o的, 諗住識翻個女朋友仔, 但係我讀o個班只係得一個女仔, 而且讀o個班係自閉班, 黎黎去去都只係得自己個course o個60人上堂, 以為入o左黎可以識多o的人啦, 自己班識唔到, 第二班都會識到丫, 但係最後發現都係無機會, 唉, 有個女朋友仔or一個知己, 有乜事都可以搵佢傾下, 知道自己o既苦處, 平日又可以同佢有翻o的開心o既時間, 但係...... 唉, 而家我可以發洩o既地方, 只有機舖, 但係無論我o既金錢以及技術都係無, 所以呢個唔係一個好辦法, 不過我可以有一個更好o既方法咩?? 唉~~



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