Urban Art Central: Papercraft NDS Lite
Urban Art Central: Papercraft NDS Lite
Create a replica of the NDS Lite, so small, it fits between two of your fingers.

There's more, it also features a proper hinge mechanism to open and close the dual screens.
Feel an intense need to satisfy your creative urges? Build this for yourself now!
More pictures and template download inside.

updated to http://fxconsole.blogspot.com/2008/02/paper-art-gadgets-series.html 12Apr09
Papercraft NDS Lite

There's more, it also features a proper hinge mechanism to open and close the dual screens.
Feel an intense need to satisfy your creative urges? Build this for yourself now!
More pictures and template download inside.

updated to http://fxconsole.blogspot.com/2008/02/paper-art-gadgets-series.html 12Apr09
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